Starting business in France : The micro-entreprise

23 October 2020

At Roche & Cie, we are here to help you starting your business in France. Before step into the problem, let’s take a look about our essential guide on micro company.

Discover the essential guide to starting a business in France

Roche & Cie, the accounting firm specializing in international mobility, presents its guide to corporate taxation in France. Discover the edition dedicated to micro-businesses:

You wish to create a company in France.
You have heard about micro-businesses and you have questions.
You wish to meet all tax requirements and better understand the taxation of your professional activity.

At Roche & Cie, our goal is to accompany you through all stages of your project, so that your business in France is a success.

A complete sum up with the different processes

Our guide, available in French and English, will be the essential tool to help you understand the main features of French tax law. Our team of experts remains available if you have any question. We know that creating a new company, moreover in a foreign country, could be really stressfull and time-consuming. But with us, you can find a real partner to help you with :

  • The legal structure
  • The registration process
  • Accountancy management




The Team Roche & Cie

Professionals or individuals, French or international, since 1948, Roche & Cie has been assisting clients from all horizons. 
+33 (0) 4 78 27 43 06



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The firm Roche & Cie is an accounting firm registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants of the Rhône-Alpes region. Roche & Cie strives to offer you a set of useful tools to manage and guide your business activities.