The French deputies voted on Friday, November 17, 2017 the continuation of the zero-interest loan (PTZ) in the new real estate programs for two additional years for municipalities in zone “B2” or “C” (medium-sized towns and rural areas) where the real estate market is less in tension.
Article 40 of the 2018 Finance Bill provides for an extension of the Zero Interest Loan (PTZ) scheme.
The Zero Interest Loan (PTZ) scheme, which was to disappear on 31 December 2017, is extended for another four years, ie until 31 December 2021.
Article 40 also aims to refocus the PTZ for new housing on the most strained areas, where the housing needs are the most important.
Thus the zero-interest loan will be gradually restricted for new housing in the most tense areas according to the following schedule:
exclusion of zone C in 2018
and the B2 zone in 2019.
Faced with the real estate professionals and rural mayors’ protest, President Macron announced in early October that the program would finally be maintained for two years in these zones.
Nevertheless, the loan quota will be lowered for these zones from 40% to 20% for 2018 and 2019.
During the debates, the deputies also adopted an amendment to the budget. In this way, Joel Giraud of La Republique en Marche, aims to keep the zero interest loan (PTZ) in the new housing programs for the municipalities covered by a contract of revitalization defense sites (CRSD).
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