Corporate taxes in France

Updated on 13/02/2023 | Published on 22/08/2022

Corporate taxes in France

The article 84 of the Finance bill for 2018 decreases the corporate tax rate on a progressive scale to reach a general rate of 25% for all companies as of 2022.

Financial year starting on January 1 of: Applicable rate to SME (*) Applicable rate to other companies

Rate of 15% until 38.120€ of taxable profits.

  • 28% for the share of taxable profits between 38.120 € and 500.000 €
  • 33,33% for the share of taxable profits beyond 500.000 €

Rate of 28% until  500.000 € of taxable profits

  • 33,33% for the share of taxable profits beyond 500.000 €

15% until 38.120€ of taxable profits

  • 28% for the share of taxable profits between 38.120 € and 500.000 €
  • 31 % for the share of taxable profits beyond 500.000 €

28% until 500.000 € of taxable profits

  • 31 % for the share of taxable profits beyond 500.000 €

15% until 38.120€ of taxable profits

  • 28 % for the share of taxable profits beyond 38.120 €

15% until 38.120€ of taxable profits

  • 26,5 % for the share of taxable profits beyond 38.120 €

15% until 38.120€ of taxable profits

  • 25 % for the share of taxable profits beyond 38.120 €

(*) The provisions of Article 219-Ib of the General Tax Code provides that SMEs subject to corporation tax automatically benefit from a reduced rate of corporate tax of 15% on the fraction of profits not exceeding 38 120 €.


This scheme is reserved for companies that have a turnover of less than € 7,630,000 and whose capital, fully paid up, is held for at least 75%, directly or indirectly, by private individuals.


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