As an accounting firm based in Lyon, we meet every month to offer you the best of the French tax and accounting news.
VAT taxpayers carrying out intra-Community transactions: deadline for filling the declaration of trade in goods and the European declaration of services for transactions carried out in December.
- Employers liable for payroll tax (companies exempt from VAT): payment of tax on salaries paid in December OR on salaries paid in 2023 for employers subject to annual declaration.
- Corporation tax balance: payment of the corporation tax balance for companies having closed their fiscal year on September 30, 2023.
- Annual “Axle tax”: between January 16 and 24: submission and payment of appendix 3310 A for taxpayers subject to the normal VAT system.
Tax on company cars :
- For taxpayers subject to the normal VAT taxation system (monthly or quarterly) or not liable for VAT: the tax must be declared on appendix n° 3310 A to the VAT return to be filed during the month of January. Companies not liable for VAT have until January 25 to declare the tax on CO2 emissions;
- For taxpayers subject to the simplified VAT regime (annual declaration), the tax relating to 2023 must be declared on form 3517, which must be filed for the year in which the tax became payable.
To help you determine the amount of these taxes, a calculation aid (form no. 2857-FC-SD) is available on the Ministry’s “” website.
To know more…
More and more independents
According to a recent study published by URSSAF on the figures for 2022, the number of self-employed workers rose by 5.9% year-on-year. This increase is mainly due to the creation of more and more micro-businesses in France: +9.3% in 2022. Micro-entrepreneurs accounted for 56.2% of all self-employed people in France in 2022.
Payroll developments in 2024
Increase in the minimum wage
Since January 1st 2024, the SMIC hourly wage has risen from €11.52 to €11.65. As a result, the gross monthly minimum wage has risen from €1747.20 to €1766.92.
The annual Social Security ceiling (called “PASS”)
The annual social security ceiling will be raised by 5.4% in 2024, to €46,368. The “PASS” is used as the basis for calculating many social security contributions.
Meal benefits in kind (meals provided by the employer)
The amount of the benefit in kind for meals is set at :
- €4.15 in the “Hotels Cafés Restaurants” sector
- €5.35 for other activities
In addition, the maximum employer contribution authorized to benefit from the exemption from social security contributions on luncheon vouchers (Tickets Restaurants) is set at €7.18.
Revaluation of the contribution financing the wage guarantee scheme (AGS)
This contribution, which is used to finance the wage guarantee fund in the event of employer default, will be raised in 2024, from 0.15% to 0.2%.
Revaluation of internship bonuses
Taking into account the revaluation of the PASS, the minimum internship bonus, representing 15% of the hourly PASS, has risen to €4.35 per hour as of January 1st 2024.
As a reminder, the company is obliged to pay a gratuity to any trainee completing an internship lasting at least 2 months (consecutive or otherwise).
Luncheon vouchers (Tickets Restaurants): food shopping benefits maintained
To combat the effects of inflation, the government has decided to extend until the end of 2024 the derogation allowing employees who receive luncheon vouchers to use them to purchase foodstuffs other than those “directly consumable”.
The government also wants to move towards compulsory dematerialization of luncheon vouchers by 2026.
An EU-compliant VAT exemption system
The Finance Act for 2024 transposed European Directive (EU) 2020/285 of February 18, 2020 into French law, introducing a Europe-wide VAT exemption scheme. As of January 1st, 2025, taxable persons established in the European Union will be able to benefit from the exemption system not only in their country of establishment, but also in other Member States, provided that their European sales do not exceed 100,000 euros in the previous and current years.
The law has also made changes to the national thresholds (which must also be respected to remain within the franchise system).
Thresholds from January 1er 2025:
- 85,000 (instead of €91,900) for sales of goods
- 37,500 (instead of €36,800) for the provision of services
- 47,500 (compared with €47,700) for lawyers, authors of intellectual works and performers.
The Team Roche & Cie
Professionals or individuals, French or international, since 1948, Roche & Cie has been assisting clients from all horizons.
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