Newsletter March 2024

11 March 2024

As an accounting firm based in Lyon, we meet every month to offer you the best of the French tax and accounting news.

cabinet expertise comptable lyon


VAT taxpayers carrying out intra-community operations:

Deadline for filling in :

  • European declaration of Services (DES) for transactions carried out in February 2024.
  • Recapitulative statement of clients of intra-EU transactions carried out in February 2024.


Companies subject to corporation tax:

Deadline for online payment of:

  • advance payment of corporation tax
  • balance of corporate tax, if the financial year ends on November 30, 2023

Withholding tax on investment income: declaration for February 2024 concerning withholding tax on income from movable capital (declaration no. 2777).

To know more…

European Central Bank (ECB) won’t cut rates yet…

Despite the fall in its inflation projections, the ECB has decided to stay the course and is not considering an immediate rate cut. The rate on deposits has been maintained at 4%, its highest level ever. Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, is confident but cautious, and considers a rate cut premature. The ECB has no plans to relax its efforts, and intends to pursue the policy it has been implementing since July 2022, with the aim of stabilizing prices.

cabinet expertise comptable lyon

B2B electronic invoicing in France – New timetable

Article 91 of the Finance Act for 2024 sets out the new timetable for the transition to electronic invoicing by businesses:

Receipt of electronic invoices:

From September 1, 2026, all companies will be required to adopt electronic invoice reception, regardless of their size.

Sending electronic invoices:

  • September 1, 2026 for large and mid-sized companies
  • September 1, 2027 for small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises

Under the previous timetable, the roll-out date was July 1, 2024 for large companies, 2025 for medium-sized companies and 2026 for all others.
Electronic invoices will be sent and received via the public invoicing portal or a partner dematerialization platform (PDP). Deployment of these solutions is scheduled for 2024.


Employees on fixed-term contracts who refuse a permanent contract: new procedure

When an employee currently employed on a fixed-term contract refuses to enter into a permanent contract offered by his employer, the latter is obliged to follow a new procedure with France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi).

Information from France Travail, in what cases?

Employers must notify France Travail if the job offer meets the following conditions:

  • the proposed permanent contract is for the same job, or a job similar to the one held by the employee
  • the place of work remains unchanged
  • the remuneration offered is at least equivalent to that previously received. Working hours and classification are also equivalent.

The employer must register the change on the following website:

What are the consequences for the employee?

As of the second refusal at the end of a fixed-term contract or interim assignment, the employee may have his or her unemployment benefits cancelled.


Acquisition of paid leave during sick leave: clarification from the Conseil constitutionnel

The French Conseil constitutionnel was asked to rule on the constitutionality of provisions in the Labor Code limiting the acquisition of paid leave during sick leave due to non-occupational illness. On February 8, the Conseil constitutionnel ruled that these provisions “comply with the Constitution”. However, the Labor Code does not comply with European law…

As a reminder, in September 2023, the French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) issued a number of rulings to the effect that sick leave constitutes periods of actual work, during which employees are entitled to paid leave, thus complying with European law.

This is a tricky subject for many companies, but as yet, no solid solution seems to have emerged…


The Team Roche & Cie

Professionals or individuals, French or international, since 1948, Roche & Cie has been assisting clients from all horizons. 
+33 (0) 4 78 27 43 06



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The firm Roche & Cie is an accounting firm registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants of the Rhône-Alpes region. Roche & Cie strives to offer you a set of useful tools to manage and guide your business activities.