Summary of French tax and accounting news
03/05/2023 :
Deadline for submission:
- the income tax return for the financial year ending on 31/12/2022 for companies subject to corporation tax (No. 2065) and individual businesses subject to income tax (BIC, BNC, BA)
- returns No. 2071 and 2072 for SCIs
- the withholding tax return n° 2754 for foreign companies operating a permanent establishment in France, whose financial year ends on 31/12/2022.
- the remote declaration n° 1329-DEF for the liquidation and regularisation of the CVAE 2022 and the remote declaration of the value added and the number of employees n° 1330-CVAE-SD.
An additional 15 days are granted for the tele-procedures.
VAT – simplified scheme: Deadline for submitting the VAT form n° 3517 CA 12 for companies closing on 31 December 2022.
05/05/2023 :
Apprenticeship tax for the year 2022: Declaration and payment of the balance to be made on the Déclaration Sociale Nominative of April 2023 due on 5 or 15 May 2023.
The SOLTéA platform has been set up. Managed by the Caisse des Dépôts, it allows employers liable for payment to express their wishes for distribution to the recipient establishments.
Mandatory annual declaration of employment of disabled workers (DOETH) in the DSN of April.
15/05/2023 :
Deadline for remote payment of the balance of the corporation tax and the Contribution sur les revenus locatifs, using the balance statement no. 2572, for financial years ending on 31 December 2022 or 31 January 2023.
Deadline for filing the European service declaration (DES) for intra-Community transactions carried out in April 2023.
Passenger vehicle tax: If the company is subject to a simplified regime: declaration and payment on the 3517 CA12 declaration.
Good news!
European Union: inflation is slowing down
The annual inflation rate in the Eurozone was 6.9% in March 2023, down from 8.5% in February and 9.2% in January, according to Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
One year after the start of the war in Ukraine, the decrease in energy-related inflation is spreading to all other components, but the transmission of its past increase to the prices of other goods and services and to wages generates inertia that makes inflation more persistent.
For households, it will be necessary to wait until the summer, but above all until the start of the new school year, to feel the effects: the Bank of France’s forecasts predict a slowdown in food inflation in the second half of 2023 “once a peak in the second quarter has passed”.
Focus on the abrogation and replacement of the company car tax (taxe sur les véhicules de sociétés TVS)
To encourage all economic actors to use more environmentally friendly vehicles, the company car tax (TVS) is being replaced by two new taxes: the annual tax on CO₂ emissions and the annual tax on vehicle age.
While the rates for these two taxes remain the same, their scope is wider than that of the TVS, as they apply to all economic actors. However, individual companies benefit from an exemption if the amount of State aid they receive is below the so-called de minimis thresholds. The State aid thresholds that must not be exceeded for a single company over three fiscal years (current fiscal year and the two previous fiscal years) are as follows:
Sector |
Threshold to be respected over 3 sliding fiscal years |
All sectors (except exceptions) |
200 000 € |
Road haulage for hire or reward |
100 000 € |
Agriculture |
20 000 € |
Fishing and aquaculture |
30 000 € |
This State aid includes the aid schemes for defence restructuring zones, urban free zones and entrepreneurial territories, the research tax credit for textile companies, and the exemption of capital gains realised on the sale of an individual company or an entire branch of activity.
The reduction of €15,000 on the cumulative amount of taxes is maintained for vehicles used by employees or directors who benefit from the reimbursement for mileage.
Declaration and payment: taxpayers subject to the normal real taxation regime or non-VAT taxpayers must declare the taxes on form 3310 A. Taxpayers subject to the simplified VAT regime must declare the taxes on form 3517.
Harmonization of the social regime for agreed termination and forced retirement:
Starting September 1st, 2023, agreed termination and forced retirement will be subject to a single social security regime to prevent the widespread use of agreed termination in the years preceding the legal retirement age.
As a reminder, forced retirements are exempt from income tax, contributions, and social contributions (CSG/CRDS) within certain limits, but the employer is liable for a specific contribution of 50%, which the law intends to replace with a 30% employer contribution only on the portion of the indemnity exempt from contributions.
The regime for agreed termination indemnity varies depending on whether the employee is entitled to a retirement pension or not. Starting in September, the indemnity will follow the regime applicable to forced retirement indemnities (exemption from contributions and CSG/CRDS within certain limits, and a 30% employer contribution on the portion of the indemnity exempt from contributions).
Salary increase: Minimum wage (SMIC) raise
As of May 1st, 2023, the gross hourly rate of the minimum wage will be increased to €11.52, up from €11.27 since January 1st, 2023. When the price index increases by more than 2% compared to its last update, the minimum wage is automatically revised upwards. According to INSEE, this index increased by 2.1923% between November 2022 and March 2023.
As a result, the gross monthly minimum wage will increase from €1,709.28 to €1,747.20 for a monthly working time of 151.67 hours, representing an increase of approximately €38. The monthly net minimum wage will thus be set at €1,383.08 per month.
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