You are planning to invest in real estate and you are wondering where in France your investment will earn you the most money.
Since 1994, the Association for the Development of the Notary Service, collects and exploits the data relating to the real estate market in French cities (other than Paris).
Using these data, Notaries have studied the evolution of the price of real estate, in France, in seventeen metropolises, except Paris, between 1997 and 2016.
Given this study, it has been observed that during this period, the prices of the real estate market have soared. In Bordeaux, for example, the price of an apartment skyrocketed up to 248%, and the price of an old house of 215%. This rise is impressive.
Bordeaux is also at the top of the list of 17 metropolises concerned, defined by the General Code of Territorial Collectivities, which are Lyon, Aix-Marseille-Provence, (Bordeaux), Grenoble, Lille, Nantes, Nice, Rennes, Rouen , Strasbourg, Toulouse, Brest, Montpellier, Nancy, Tours, Dijon and Orleans.
The cradle of Grande Aquitaine rose from 14th rank in 1997 to 2nd place in 2016 for cities where the purchase / sale price of an apartment is the highest and from 12th to 3rd place for the acquisition / sale of a house.
LYON is not outdone, since it is the second city where the acquisition / sale of an apartment in the former has made a good 203%. LYON is followed closely by TOULOUSE (+ 198%). Finally come NANCY with + 97% and BREST + 92%.
For houses, it is Brittany with RENNES that takes second place in the dazzling effect of the largest increase: 83%.
RENNES is followed by NANCY (+ 79%), BREST (+ 92%) and finally DIJON (+ 79%).
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