Year-end message 2023

Published on 22/12/2023

With the end of the year drawing closer, it’s time to thank all our clients for their trust, and to wish you a wonderful Christmas and an excellent 2024, filled with success, happiness and professional and personal fulfillment.

Retirement of our faithful Catherine GAU

We would like to take this opportunity to announce the departure of Catherine GAU, our legal secretary, who has been with the firm since 2000 and is retiring at the end of the month.

Catherine was often in contact with our clients, who appreciated her dynamism and professionalism.

Loyal and rigorous, the firm will miss her colorful personality and her grumpy but endearing personality!

Catherine, the whole Cabinet Roche&Cie team wishes you a happy retirement and, above all, enjoy your passions!

To replace her, we welcome a new colleague, Julie MICHALLON, who will take over at the beginning of January 2024. We welcome her to the team and wish her a long and happy adventure with us!

How can we help you ?

The missions we can offer you:

Drafting of a tax study: with simulation of your tax obligations in France ; a key solution to secure your installation in France in order to avoid unfortunate situations, such as delays or errors in your tax returns.

Follow-up of your tax returns in France: income tax, real estate wealth tax, rental income

moving to france ; buying property in france